Thursday, December 20, 2018
The End of Non-Violent Felons
As States move to legalize marijuana many criminals charged with assault, burglary, theft, drug dealing and other related crimes will be faced with the prospect of facing their charge and unable to plead down to a non-violent offense like drug possession. This has always been an easy out for criminals charged with violent crimes, and prosecutors looking for wins rather than protecting the public. Up to now those charged with violent crimes have always been able to plead down to marijuana or drug possession and earn the title non-violent offender, which reduces their sentence and increases their chances of early parole. It is this sentencing model that gives rise to the idea of our prisons being filled with “non-violent drug offenders” when in fact they have pleaded down from more serious crimes like assault, burglary, theft, high-level dealing, robbery and even attempted murder. So despite the inherent danger in legalizing marijuana, it may in fact dispel the “non-violent” offender myth and result in more convictions with longer sentences for convicted felons.
Sunday, November 11, 2018
Election Day and Voter Fraud
Florida, Georgia and Arizona are the perfect examples for proposing an end to early voting, absentee ballots and voter ID and encouraging the upgrading of Election Day to a National Holiday with all voting taking place on that day. Over the past decade early voting, provisional ballots, absentee ballots have led the way in encouraging voter fraud. The phrase “all votes must be counted” has become code (a dogwhistle, if you will) for voter fraud. In close elections lost ballot boxes are found often containing a statistically impossible number of votes for one candidate. These election-stealing practices must end if our Representative Republic is to continue. For those that say there are too many National Holidays already I say pair Election Day with Veterans Day, they are just a week apart anyway. America needs an honest, coherent voting system that can be trusted to give an honest count on Election Day.
Thursday, November 1, 2018
As Election Day 2018 approaches voters need to think about what has happened since Donald Trump was elected President. He has exposed a bureaucracy rife with corruption in almost every department, especially the FBI, CIA and the Department of Justice. Project Veritas has produced video of federal employees freely admitting to slow walking the President’s agenda and doing volunteer work for political organizations on federal time. He has exposed a Congress that has proved over and over again it is incapable or uninterested in policies that help Americans. The policy successses that are helping to boost our economy, boosting America’s status on the world stage, and improving the life of Americans are his alone. He pushed them through an unwilling Congress by sheer force of will. Now most Republicans are with him, but it wasn’t always like that. Even now the outgoing speaker is snipping. President Trump is pushing policies that are free of lobbyist’s influence. Policies that are intended to help America preserve its status as a great nation. Policies intended to increase the wealth and health of everyday Americans. The President has exposed the collusion of the political parties, the media and the bureaucracy to get rich off the American taxpayer. Yea, he’s rough around the edges, but underneath that fighting exterior is a man who loves America. He can’t be bought, bribed or embarrassed into making decisions bad for the country. If the corruption in the federal government is plain to you now, just think that without Donald J.Trump you wouldn’t even know about it. That alone is enough of a reason to vote to help Republicans maintain control of Congress.
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Electoral Blackmail: The New Democrat Strategy
As the Democrat dream of a “blue wave” begins to collapse and their mob behavior against conservatives reaches new highs the Democrats have embarked on a new strategy; If we don’t elect them to a majority they promise to be more violent, more partisan, more angry and continue the harassment and assault on conservatives and our values. This week Hillary Clinton said “you cannot be civil with a party that wants to destroy what you stand for...if we are fortunate enough to win the House and Senate that is when civility can start again.” Eric Holder, paraphrasing Michelle Obama said “when they go low, we kick em.” Add to this the actions of paid protestors indiscriminately attacking and harassing people, the incitement to this behavior by Democrat members of Congress and you have the ingredients for an insurrection. That is the Democrat promise. Elect us or the violence will continue. It is nothing more than a new fear tactic being trottted out in this cycle. Racism, sexism, homophobia and Roe v Wade no longer work so it’s time for Electoral Blackmail; elect us or we will hurt you.
Friday, October 5, 2018
Defending Cavanaugh
Judge Brett Cavanaugh has finally been confirmed to the Supreme Court and hereafter will be called Justice Cavanaugh. Despite every effort by the Democrats to derail his confirmation, make him withdraw from the process or otherwise tarnish his reputation he will be on the Supreme Court. To say he was dragged through the mud would be an understatement. To say Democrats broke every rule in the nomination protocol would be another understatement. They attacked Cavanaugh viciously throughout hearings until the accusations became too much to bear and he gave them a taste of their own medicine in defense. The media attacked him with false stories, political cartoons and esteemed panels of experts and accusers alledging he was a gang rapist, a drunk, had bad temperament and was so hideous he should not be able to coach girls basketball, something he has been doing for years, or even remain in his current position as a judge. Fortunately for America none of this worked. There will be more crying and gnashing of teeth by Democrats, their anti-Cavanaugh cadre, and the media, but they are getting what they deserve. There will be no asterisk, no impeachment and any additional orchestrated accusations will be exposed for what they are. Hopefully those that rendered false accusations, conspired to derail Cavanaugh and committed conspiracy and perjury to do it will pay, or else it will continue. An example of these people must be made in order to restore order to the process.
Monday, September 24, 2018
Democrats Mid-Term Election Assault
There is a lot of noise out there this week. There is the Christine Ford charade in the Senate, which is augmented by new allegations published in The New Yorker, all which have so far been refuted or are unprovable. Add that to the FBI, DOJ de-classification of documents by the President and resulting leaks that simply verify what many have been saying: Intelligence services have been engaged in a deliberate attempt to destroy Donald Trump’s Presidency. And further, add to this the constant building of the “blue wave” narrative by the Democrats, and their media allies. The use of polls that interview 10-13 percent more Democrats than Republicans gives the media the results it wants. By calling the victory before Election Day, the Democrats are hoping people want to run with the winner more than live up to their principles. These are the ingredients of the Democrat assault on the President and the Republican House and Senate. The Democrats realize that if they do not win in November it’s over until 2024. They do not have a candidate who can beat Trump in 2020 and without impeachment or the deep state to do the dirty work of savaging the President they cannot prevent the swamp from being drained, the bleeding of minorities from their party and the recognition by the American people that the Democrat goal is power at any price. It does not matter who is slandered, how many lies it takes, how much division is fomented, the Democrats need power to exert control over you, me and anyone else in America. Without the Presidency, House, Senate or a liberal majority on The Supreme Court, the Democrats cannot implement the legislation required to control your life through taxes, regulation, education and healthcare. The beauty of Election Day is we get to choose. Trump’s battle with the Congress, the Deep State and media demonstrates that we, the citizens, can win this battle. When you vote pull the lever for the America you want to live in, not the one being falsely promised by the Democrat Party.
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
Woodward’s Book: What Does It Really Say?
Many Trump detractors find Bob Woodward’s new book exciting to read. It verifies all the things they have come to believe about Donald Trump: He is erratic, petulant, vindictive, dictatorial, a liar, a thief, a womanizer, a racist, sexist, homophobe and a xenophobe too. On top of that he is not smart or sophisticated enough to be President. He doesn’t understand the issues and must constantly be prevented from taking actions that could plunge America into war, depression, and worse. On the other hand a second view of the Woodward screed is that as President Donald Trump has relied on the expertise of many people in the Administrative bureaucracy. Many of them oppose his policies because they disrupt the system. His response has not been to fire them, but to hear and consider their points of view. If the White House seems chaotic it is because it is. The administration is barraged daily by bureaucrats, lobbyists, legislators and citizens trying to get a word in edgewise. In addition, this White House has the additional pressure of a rebelling bureaucracy, a special counsel, and a hostile press, all working as arms of the Democrat Party to impeach or remove the President from office. What Bob Woodward’ book really shows is that Donald J. Trump is fighting an out of control bureaucracy willing to do anything to take him out. In partnership with the media they attack him, his family, his allies and his supporters on a daily basis. They are trying to sabotage his agenda and resist the change he is trying to bring. Woodward’s book exposes the swampers and their attempt to compromise this President, and demonstrates that Trump is the right man at the right time; drain the swamp.
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
A Petition For Privacy
The latest “trumped” up scandal to try to destroy or at least cripple the Trump Presidency concerns the British firm Cambridge Analytics. They are accused (though they claim otherwise) of selling information and data to the Trump Presidential Campaign, as if this is some unusual act like necrophilia or something. Facebook was the first to complain, despite the fact that it opened the Facebook user base to the Presidential campaign of Barack Obama, which in part is credited with allowing the campaign to reach millions of new Millennial voters. However all that is a distraction from the real issue. Privacy is vanishing and by virtue of our inaction we are cooperating in its demise. Data about us is collected from our computers, telephones, jobs, credit bureaus, government agencies, organizations and clubs we participate in. Non-profit organizations sell our names, addresses, ages, salaries, employment data, income level and the list goes on. Even the Dept. of Motor Vehicles sells your information when you register your car or boat or trailer or truck and your driver’s license. Google and other apps track and record your every move, every store, every destination throughout the day and sends to a central location where it is stored and sold. When you search for something on the web, stores selling that item start appearing in your browser. If you buy something the store or place you bought it from appears in your browser to sell you more. What is even worse is you can’t escape it without returning to the Stone Age. Did you ever try to close a Facebook account. It is almost impossible and even after you have succeeded, which can take months, they still keep your data. What about Google; they ain’t stupid. With a little work you can find out where all this monitoring activity takes place on your phone, however if you, for instance, turn off “location services” things like Google Maps or I-Phone’s Find my Phone app wont work. I could go on for a long time on this but you get the idea. I hope that when the Congress looks into the collection and distribution of the personal data of individuals it decides that we need some protection from such intrusive activity. Privacy laws must be updated and people must have better options for opting out of what can only be called subversive and intrusive activity.
Thursday, March 15, 2018
Look Out For Democrats in Republican Clothing
Everyone has heard the saying “a wolf in sheeps clothing,” and that is what we see in the Carter Lamb strategy of the 2018 Democrat Party. In the Pennsylvania Special Election Democrat Carter Lamb campaigned on supporting the Second Amendment, being Pro Life, supporting Trump’s tariff program and eschewing House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. In other words he campaigned as a Conservative in a district President Trump took by 20 points and was until this election a safe Republican seat. The Democrat Party just wants to win any Republican seat. Whatever conservative notions Carter Lamb has will be exorcised the day he is sworn in. He will vote for gun control, support abortion, be against the President’s tax and tariff programs and support whatever Leader the Democrats put up, be it Pelosi or someone else. Carter Lamb’s talking points and campaign rhetoric fooled enough Republicans to win the election by a small and still contested margin of 601 votes. Hopefully enough voters paid attention and now understand the Democrat’s Carter Lamb strategy. Do not be fooled by Democrats in Republicans suits and dresses. Republicans must keep the House and Senate to move the Trump Agenda.
Thursday, March 8, 2018
California: America’s First Third World State
California is on its way to becoming the first third world state in America. With a middle class leaving the state in big numbers California is becoming a state of two classes. The rich, powerful and connected living in gated, walled and guarded compounds, and poor white, minority, and illegal alien squatters living in slums, tent cities and the empty homes and commercial buildings deserted by its fleeing residents. California is the 6th largest economy in the world and recent decisions by California officials have moved the state into the third world danger zone. The state has become a magnet for the homeless and more than 2.5 million illegal aliens. Vagrants populate the streets of its major cities, tent cities are visible along its major roads and at the same time the rich, powerful and connected lived in fenced compounds with armed guards to protect them from the riff-raff. The state government has decided it will chose which laws it will support and which it will not. When it’s citizens make the same choice there will be no law and third worldism will have arrived in what may become a less than golden state. These are the things that characterize third world countries. California, it seems, is on its way to becoming the first third-world State.
Sunday, February 18, 2018
Reducing School Shootings Smartly
The Florida school shooting, like the many before it, horrifies most of us and we want them to stop; but it ain’t that easy. It is more complicated than gun control and the 2nd Amendment. It is more complicated than arresting someone for a social media posting and the 4th Amendment. It is more complicated than screaming at the President, protesting the non-action of Congress and blaming the FBI, although in this case they are nakedly guilty of inaction. Sometimes you need to go all the way back to the beginning. Every cop starts his career walking or riding a beat and that is where we have to go to better prevent school shootings. One of the most effective ways to reduce crime is the presence of police officers. A cop on the corner with a gun will make most would-be criminals think twice. So a simple stop gap measure to reduce such incidents would be to have cops include stops at schools within their beat. It is a statistical fact that most police time is not spent fighting crime but preventing it. Cops on the beat stopping at schools at unpredictable times as part of their daily activity could create a significant barrier to someone contemplating becoming a “professional school shooter.” I can hear the complaints already, but it is a suggestion that could be integrated easily into an officers daily routine and would probably be more successful than protests by terrified students and activity by gun control advocates or the NRA. Such a plan could be implemented nationwide easily and would not require any more resources than currently being spent on law enforcement. Give it chance, it’s for our children.
Friday, February 16, 2018
The Immigration Solution
The U.S. Senate has gone home after failing to pass four separate immigration bills. This turns out to be the expected result because in truth neither party wants reform that works. Both sides want reform that works for their donors and their party’s goals if you believe what you see and read. Democrats have gambled they will not be hurt by their failure to resolve DACA. Republicans in the House are continuing to work on the Goodlatte Bill. The DACA deadline is approaching. The solution for President Trump should be easy; just enforce the existing law. But, an intransigent Congress, a runaway Judiciary and a swamp filled with alligators and snakes in the Executive Branch makes it difficult. The largest number of illegal aliens are those that have overstayed their Visas. Some have overstayed more than 25 years and have never been visited by the INS. Try that as an American in Mexico and you find its Immigration Policia at your doorstep. It seems that while taxpayers work their butts off paying taxes, many INS employees consider their jobs paid vacations and enforcing immigration laws has become the pervue of the Courts. It is time for the President to demand INS begin contacting and deporting Visa overstays. Let’s start there and see what happens.
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Social Media Should Not Silence Jihad
Intelligence agencies are now asking that social media providers (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc) do more to filter out objectionable materials like sites used by ISIS to recruit terrorists, hate sites and the like. It is a big mistake. Once we start filtering the internet it is only a matter of time until it is censored and then the question becomes who decides. The solution to this dilemma is for intelligence agencies to do their job. The FBI, CIA, State Department and the branches of military intelligence have hundreds of thousands, if not millions of personnel who could be assigned to combing the web for Jihad recruitment sites and use current technology to shut them down or make them unworkable. Listening to these agency heads whine is sickening and listening to them ask Facebook to do their job is insufferable. The job is difficult, but far from impossible.
Friday, January 19, 2018
It’s Time For The S Word
And that S word is sedition. It is being practiced by individuals in the FBI, the Justice Department, State Governors, Big City Mayors, Attorney’s Generals in some states, as well as many individuals in the Democrat Party and the Obama Administration. Sedition is defined as the “incitement of resistance or insurrection against lawful authority.” We see it happening every day and we are learning it has been happening since President Trump entered the race in 2016. We have learned the Democrat Party paid for an unverifiable Dossier on Trump, which was passed off and accepted as serious intelligence by the FBI. The FBI then used it to get a FISA warrant to intercept communication between Trump campaign officials and possibly Trump himself and gave that information to individuals in the Obama Administration to use in the Democrat effort to defeat Trump in the 2016 Presidential Campaign. This effort to alter the outcome of the 2016 election continues in the form of “resistance.” The House Intelligence Memo by Rep. Dennis Nunez exposes much of the Executive Branch members of this seditious resistance. Some big city Democrat Mayors and Blue State Governors are ignoring immigration laws, the AG of California is threatening to prosecute any employer in the state who assists ICE, and many cities and states are declaring themselves sanctuaries for illegal immigrants and drugs deemed illegal by federal law. These activities meet the definition of sedition and it is time for good men to act to curtail and end this unlawful resistance and attempt at insurrection.
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Children of DACA - Beware the Ides of March
Good morning Children of the DACA. How does it feel to be the sacrificial lamb of a Democrat Party that would put your status at risk, throw you to wolves of MS 13 or the border coyotes who would charge big money to smuggle you back again once deported. America is all you have ever known Democrats cry. You have only known the slums where Democrats permit you to live in squalor. They have permitted you to go school, but have given you schools that do not teach you to read. They have let you live in poverty in America but only as political pawns. The Democrats have taught you the slogans of division. They have convinced you that your best friend is your enemy. They have convinced you that living as a illegal alien to sacrifice for their cause of open borders and the conversion of America into a third-world hellhole is better than having legal status. They have convinced you that you should be willing to sacrifice for them while they live fat, never in danger, never in poverty, never in squalor, never having to worry if ICE or MS-13 will come for them. The Democrats have used you for 50 years to further their "browning of Amerca dream." If the Republican alternative had been applied most of you would be citizens by now, but the Democrats have convinced you that being an outlaw is better. So now the rubber hits the road. In March DACA protection ends. The Democrats will watch you be deported. There will screams, there will be gnashing of teeth, feigned outrage, but they will do nothing to help you stay here legally because you are just a pawn in a power game. You will learn, as are the other victims of the Democrat Party trance, that the law really is bigger than individuals. That justice does matter. That becoming a citizen in the time honored tradition promotes respect, dignity, true equality and a love for country that cannot be bought with cheap slogans, legislative trickery and Democrat demagoguery. Wake up Children of DACA, The Ides of March are upon you.
Friday, January 12, 2018
President Trump and the Immigration Debate
As usual the enemies of @Potus used his comments to distract from the real meat of the Immigration debate. The President is asking why is our immigration policy focused on bringing in people from primarily third world countries rather than an incentive based system as practiced by other countries like Australia? Of course the answer is relatively simple. Both parties have goals that can be bolstered by illegal immigration. It is said Republicans like the cheap labor and Democrats want the votes. Both things can be true. The President is asking the Congress to revisit the 1965 Immigration Act that changed the focus of immigration policy from predominantly first-world states to third-world countries. He is asking the Congress to end the Visa lottery program. He is asking the Congress to end chain migration. He is asking Congress for the resources to help support the efforts to enforce the border, deport Visa overstays and criminals, and yes, build a wall. Wake up America, the President is working for you. Don’t be distracted by a media that uses distraction as a way to avoid discussing the real issue: The terrible state of our immigration policy.
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
Trump Puts Democrats and Republicans On The Record
There have been many interpretations of the almost infamous meeting of @Potus and the D’s and R’s. Most of the are wrong including Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson and Ann Coulter. Liberal commentators saw the meeting through the prism of Fire and Fury and used it to confirm most of what they already believe. As far as Rush is concerned; he thinks it was done to dispel the notions in the Wolf book, Fire and Fury. Tucker thinks he sold out as does Ann Coulter by saying okay to DACA. They and most of the media are wrong. President Trump made this meeting public so that Americans could hear where their representatives stand on the immigration issue. Democrats basically want DACA as a free-standing bill without any additional security measures attached. You’d have to be a New Yorker to realize his acknowledgement of the DACA request from Dick Durbin and Diane Feinstein was a satirical response that really meant something like “Yea right” or “really?” The Republicans for the most part are willing to trade DACA for border security, chain migration, the immigration lottery and the border wall. Some Republicans are squeamish on the wall because of how it sounds not because it will work. The President’s position is the Republican position. You can argue that he has put the Republicans in a position to win on the immigration issue. If you watched you know where the party’s stand and the President is giving you an opportunity to use your voice and contact your representatives and senators on the immigration issue. This was not an episode of reality television. This was not meant to refute Fire and Fury. This was meant to show Americans where the Republicans, Democrats and the President stand on the issue.
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