Thursday, March 8, 2018
California: America’s First Third World State
California is on its way to becoming the first third world state in America. With a middle class leaving the state in big numbers California is becoming a state of two classes. The rich, powerful and connected living in gated, walled and guarded compounds, and poor white, minority, and illegal alien squatters living in slums, tent cities and the empty homes and commercial buildings deserted by its fleeing residents. California is the 6th largest economy in the world and recent decisions by California officials have moved the state into the third world danger zone. The state has become a magnet for the homeless and more than 2.5 million illegal aliens. Vagrants populate the streets of its major cities, tent cities are visible along its major roads and at the same time the rich, powerful and connected lived in fenced compounds with armed guards to protect them from the riff-raff. The state government has decided it will chose which laws it will support and which it will not. When it’s citizens make the same choice there will be no law and third worldism will have arrived in what may become a less than golden state. These are the things that characterize third world countries. California, it seems, is on its way to becoming the first third-world State.