Wednesday, January 10, 2018
Trump Puts Democrats and Republicans On The Record
There have been many interpretations of the almost infamous meeting of @Potus and the D’s and R’s. Most of the are wrong including Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson and Ann Coulter. Liberal commentators saw the meeting through the prism of Fire and Fury and used it to confirm most of what they already believe. As far as Rush is concerned; he thinks it was done to dispel the notions in the Wolf book, Fire and Fury. Tucker thinks he sold out as does Ann Coulter by saying okay to DACA. They and most of the media are wrong. President Trump made this meeting public so that Americans could hear where their representatives stand on the immigration issue. Democrats basically want DACA as a free-standing bill without any additional security measures attached. You’d have to be a New Yorker to realize his acknowledgement of the DACA request from Dick Durbin and Diane Feinstein was a satirical response that really meant something like “Yea right” or “really?” The Republicans for the most part are willing to trade DACA for border security, chain migration, the immigration lottery and the border wall. Some Republicans are squeamish on the wall because of how it sounds not because it will work. The President’s position is the Republican position. You can argue that he has put the Republicans in a position to win on the immigration issue. If you watched you know where the party’s stand and the President is giving you an opportunity to use your voice and contact your representatives and senators on the immigration issue. This was not an episode of reality television. This was not meant to refute Fire and Fury. This was meant to show Americans where the Republicans, Democrats and the President stand on the issue.