Monday, September 24, 2018
Democrats Mid-Term Election Assault
There is a lot of noise out there this week. There is the Christine Ford charade in the Senate, which is augmented by new allegations published in The New Yorker, all which have so far been refuted or are unprovable. Add that to the FBI, DOJ de-classification of documents by the President and resulting leaks that simply verify what many have been saying: Intelligence services have been engaged in a deliberate attempt to destroy Donald Trump’s Presidency. And further, add to this the constant building of the “blue wave” narrative by the Democrats, and their media allies. The use of polls that interview 10-13 percent more Democrats than Republicans gives the media the results it wants. By calling the victory before Election Day, the Democrats are hoping people want to run with the winner more than live up to their principles. These are the ingredients of the Democrat assault on the President and the Republican House and Senate. The Democrats realize that if they do not win in November it’s over until 2024. They do not have a candidate who can beat Trump in 2020 and without impeachment or the deep state to do the dirty work of savaging the President they cannot prevent the swamp from being drained, the bleeding of minorities from their party and the recognition by the American people that the Democrat goal is power at any price. It does not matter who is slandered, how many lies it takes, how much division is fomented, the Democrats need power to exert control over you, me and anyone else in America. Without the Presidency, House, Senate or a liberal majority on The Supreme Court, the Democrats cannot implement the legislation required to control your life through taxes, regulation, education and healthcare. The beauty of Election Day is we get to choose. Trump’s battle with the Congress, the Deep State and media demonstrates that we, the citizens, can win this battle. When you vote pull the lever for the America you want to live in, not the one being falsely promised by the Democrat Party.