Sunday, November 11, 2018
Election Day and Voter Fraud
Florida, Georgia and Arizona are the perfect examples for proposing an end to early voting, absentee ballots and voter ID and encouraging the upgrading of Election Day to a National Holiday with all voting taking place on that day. Over the past decade early voting, provisional ballots, absentee ballots have led the way in encouraging voter fraud. The phrase “all votes must be counted” has become code (a dogwhistle, if you will) for voter fraud. In close elections lost ballot boxes are found often containing a statistically impossible number of votes for one candidate. These election-stealing practices must end if our Representative Republic is to continue. For those that say there are too many National Holidays already I say pair Election Day with Veterans Day, they are just a week apart anyway. America needs an honest, coherent voting system that can be trusted to give an honest count on Election Day.