All the News That's Fit to be Tied

I have an axe to grind, but unlike the New York Times, I freely admit it.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Election Day Should Be National Holiday

In November of 2018, I wrote this:

Florida, Georgia and Arizona are the perfect examples for proposing an end to early voting, absentee ballots and voter ID and encouraging the upgrading of Election Day to a National Holiday with all voting taking place on that day. Over the past decade early voting, provisional ballots, absentee ballots have led the way in encouraging voter fraud. The phrase “all votes must be counted” has become code (a dogwhistle, if you will) for voter fraud. In close elections lost ballot boxes are found often containing a statistically impossible number of votes for one candidate. These election-stealing practices must end if our Representative Republic is to continue. For those that say there are too many National Holidays already I say pair Election Day with Veterans Day, they are just a week apart anyway. America needs an honest, coherent voting system that can be trusted to give an honest count on Election Day.

As we approach this year's important election facing the mail-in ballot issue, the confused vote counting in single congressional district still undecided in NY, with more than 20,000 ballots rejected on time/day stamps alone, its clear that we must end dishonest voting of all types. While the need for absentee ballots has always been legitimate the mass mailing of blank ballots is an open invitation to fraud. You may argue they will all be found but at what cost? It is important that we know the results of an Election on Election Day. Quick results eliminates post attempts at fraud and of course voting in person is clearly what the Founding Fathers intended. Last week at the John Lewis funeral President Obama agreed. He and I agree on little, but making Election Day a National Holiday is one of them. I have always thought that it is not a National  Holiday because people in power want fewer people to vote. Do not be mislead by the "every vote must be counted" mantra. It's a lie. A National Election Day would provide the entire day for voting and there is no one in America more than a day's travel from a polling place. Lets do it, Mr. President, and Congress. America needs an honest count. 

Thursday, July 23, 2020

The Democrats and Professional Protestors

The continuing effort by professional “protestors” like AntiFa and Black Lives Matter to damage America’s economy by over-running primarily Democrat-run cities is truly scandalous. Police are made to stand down in the face of aggressive agitation, physical attack, property damage and the commission of crimes including assault, rape, robbery, burglary and in some cases murder. The failure of many of these mayors to take back their streets by letting the police do their job points to a very scary conclusion. These mayors and those over-running their cities are in league with each other. What’s worse is that the entire Democrat establishment, which includes the Congress, it’s “think tank” organizations, the media, colleges and universities, and a good portion of the Federal Bureaucracy are with them as well. Even if President Trump is able to get Covid-19 and the rioting under control, which is unlikely because the last thing Democrats want is any kind of victory for him, it seems they would rather see the country in turmoil.  We are seeing fires in our streets, property destruction, our citizens in danger and residents of minority communities enduring the biggest crime wave seen in years.  Everyday we are inundated with video of drive-by shootings, rioting, looting, assaults on police, the destruction of property including homes,  businesses, federal and state buildings and monuments to our history, however scarred. Americans have seen enough. They want something done. Democrat Mayors and their State and Congressional counterparts must act to end this orchestrated violence and crime. In October 2018,  I wrote a column for this page that called out the Democrat strategy for that election: Vote for us or we will hurt you. (I called it Electoral Blackmail) They weren’t lying then and they aren’t now. The Democrats have taken that mantra to a new level with these well-organized and well-financed groups disguising themselves as protestors yet equipped with weapons good enough to fight off and successfully battle with police. Remember, anyone who will assault, set on fire or kill a police officer would not even hesitate to kill you. It is time to shut it down one way or the other.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

The Cancel Culture Will Be Cancelled

There is a movement afoot in our country to tear the fabric of our history from its foundation and erase both the failures and successes of our past. It is not pretty. The destruction of historic monuments, name-changes that fit in with contemporary times, the erasure of historic murals and paintings, and the hiding of the past as though they are today’s sins. For most Americans these things have served as reminders of what our nation has done to achieve its greatness. Most Americans do not need statues or monuments to remind us of the Revolutionary or Civil War. Most Americans rejected the tyrannical rule of George III, and reveled in Lincoln’s victory and the ending of slavery as a legal institution in America. Of course, there were those for whom these events were sorrowful. England had its loyalists and so too did the Civil War, with Democrats leading the way to segregation, Jim Crow, the KKK and other obstacles to keep a pseudo-slavery in place. It was almost 100 years before the 1965 Voting Rights Bill was passed, which eliminated all barriers, except citizenship, to voting. Without delving into a justification for every monument, painting, mural, building name and song, we should just come to terms and let history stand unaltered and focus on the kind of history we are making now. We must ask ourselves if we want a country in flames devoid of peaceful co-existence, or would we rather work to resolve our outstanding issues? Would we rather come to terms with our glorious, although sometimes tarnished, history or trade it in for some sterile dystopia where our past is forgotten and we fail to learn the lessons of history. The Pugh survey indicated there were 17,000 protestors nationwide in a recent poll. This amounts to .00005 (five 100,000ths, of one percent) of the population making mostly uninformed decisions for the rest of us. Our historic monuments recall the good and bad of our country’s history, from our first colony to our latest burning city. We cannot let the “Cancel Culture” hide or erase our historic past. We must strive to create a current history. One that reflects our desire for greatness, not destruction and revenge. One that says we take pride in what we are doing to make society better now. The past is done and cannot be cancelled, only learned from.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Democrat Senators Kill Police Reform

The Democrats in the Senate stood in lockstep today to deny the full Senate the opportunity to debate the newly introduced Police Reform Bill, which would outlaw the choke hold in most cases, require intensified vetting for police recruits and encourage closer examination in cases where police brutality or other mishandling of suspects is seemingly evident. This was a procedural vote to bring the bill up for debate. Amendments can be offered by Senators from both sides of the Aisle. Democrats could have fought for tougher regulations if it “doesn’t go far enough;” as Senator Chuck Schumer charged. Instead the Democrats chose to prevent debate or any discussion that could lead to a successful outcome for President Trump because for them political power is more important than any constituency black, white or otherwise. They would rather see the nation burn if they can’t be in power. If your in the mainstream, or even on the political fringes you better think this one over. They would not move to save a single minority life if it meant a victory for Donald Trump. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The Stealth Presidency of Nancy Pelosi

If Joe Biden wins the Presidency and the Democrats keep the House, Nancy Pelosi will be the de facto President of the United States. She has proven she is tougher and smarter than any of the Democrat candidates for either office. She has shown the guts to challenge the President and force policy into law even if it’s bad for the country. The only restraining bolt will be the GOP Senate. As a voter you must ask yourself if you are okay with her views and goals. Her trajectory towards the Presidency began the day Donald Trump was elected. She has stated on many occasions she has sought to remove him from the beginning of his term. She had hoped for a Hillary victory. Like many of her liberal allies this wealthy, TV celebrity Donald Trump was too crass, vulgar and un-corruptible for the Washington crowd and he could not be allowed to rock the status-quo ship of state. It is unlikely that Pelosi could run as a Presidential candidate and win, but she is shrewd enough to know if the Democrats can defeat Donald J. Trump she will be President of the United States. 

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Ending Undercover Operations and Entrapment

New York’s decision to disband it’s under cover anti-crime unit may well put its police force in greater harmony with its citizens of all races. If we could get all of law enforcement to rid itself of undercover operations the giant rift between citizens and police could heal itself. Why, you ask. I’ll tell you. The biggest problem with undercover units is entrapment. Give it some thought. Think of individuals arrested by an undercover cop who pretended to be drunk on a subway platform and enticed an attack because one or more individuals saw an opportunity for a fast buck. Or what about FBI undercover agents who find Islamic radicals in a mosque or Facebook and offer them the opportunity to obtain weapons, bombs, bomb-making material, etc. When the goods are delivered and a plan is devised they arrest them all. In both cases people are convicted and put in prison and at the same time the public is denied the presence of a cop on the street, or in the case of an FBI, a lawyer working on cases, not creating crimes through entrapment. Very often undercover work involves helping criminals achieve their goals through the use of confiscated goods or taxpayer money. Giving people an enticing opportunity to make a lot of money or achieve some otherwise unrealistic goal is basically unfair and that is why undercover operations and the entrapment that is an integral part of it must end. Eliminating undercover operations is only one aspect of police reform and the end of racism at all levels of law enforcement. The greatest power of law enforcement is the use of  “lethal force.” Men or women who use that power for racist ends must never be permitted to wear the badge that authorizes lethal force. The only way to eliminate racist police is one at a time. They must be found, fired and imprisoned if their guilt can be established.