Thursday, July 23, 2020
The Democrats and Professional Protestors
The continuing effort by professional “protestors” like AntiFa and Black Lives Matter to damage America’s economy by over-running primarily Democrat-run cities is truly scandalous. Police are made to stand down in the face of aggressive agitation, physical attack, property damage and the commission of crimes including assault, rape, robbery, burglary and in some cases murder. The failure of many of these mayors to take back their streets by letting the police do their job points to a very scary conclusion. These mayors and those over-running their cities are in league with each other. What’s worse is that the entire Democrat establishment, which includes the Congress, it’s “think tank” organizations, the media, colleges and universities, and a good portion of the Federal Bureaucracy are with them as well. Even if President Trump is able to get Covid-19 and the rioting under control, which is unlikely because the last thing Democrats want is any kind of victory for him, it seems they would rather see the country in turmoil. We are seeing fires in our streets, property destruction, our citizens in danger and residents of minority communities enduring the biggest crime wave seen in years. Everyday we are inundated with video of drive-by shootings, rioting, looting, assaults on police, the destruction of property including homes, businesses, federal and state buildings and monuments to our history, however scarred. Americans have seen enough. They want something done. Democrat Mayors and their State and Congressional counterparts must act to end this orchestrated violence and crime. In October 2018, I wrote a column for this page that called out the Democrat strategy for that election: Vote for us or we will hurt you. (I called it Electoral Blackmail) They weren’t lying then and they aren’t now. The Democrats have taken that mantra to a new level with these well-organized and well-financed groups disguising themselves as protestors yet equipped with weapons good enough to fight off and successfully battle with police. Remember, anyone who will assault, set on fire or kill a police officer would not even hesitate to kill you. It is time to shut it down one way or the other.