Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Democrat Senators Kill Police Reform
The Democrats in the Senate stood in lockstep today to deny the full Senate the opportunity to debate the newly introduced Police Reform Bill, which would outlaw the choke hold in most cases, require intensified vetting for police recruits and encourage closer examination in cases where police brutality or other mishandling of suspects is seemingly evident. This was a procedural vote to bring the bill up for debate. Amendments can be offered by Senators from both sides of the Aisle. Democrats could have fought for tougher regulations if it “doesn’t go far enough;” as Senator Chuck Schumer charged. Instead the Democrats chose to prevent debate or any discussion that could lead to a successful outcome for President Trump because for them political power is more important than any constituency black, white or otherwise. They would rather see the nation burn if they can’t be in power. If your in the mainstream, or even on the political fringes you better think this one over. They would not move to save a single minority life if it meant a victory for Donald Trump.