Friday, December 28, 2012
Gun control is a fool’s argument
I may well have offered to many concessions on my original gun control compromise because the intransigence of the liberal left has made me realize that, like Islamic Radicals, any concession you make is viewed as a weakness and a reason to move the goalpost instead of reaching an accord. In my original post I offered a ban on weapons that could be converted from semi-automatic to automatic and potentially a civilian ban on handguns. For liberals this is not enough so I renege and take the position of Planned Parenthood and NARAL on abortion: Any restriction imposed on abortion (guns) is an opportunity for the opposition to increase those restrictions (The infamous “slippery slope.”). Unless we can ban mental illness or crazy people there is no way any form of gun control can prevent people like Adam Lanza or the Colorado gunman or anyone else for that matter from using guns to kill others. The man in China killed 24 with a knife. Schoolchildren were killed in Chechnya with a Bomb. One million children are killed every year by abortion and no guns were required for those killings. Gun control is a fool’s argument.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Automatic vs Semi-Automatic Gun Control
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Boehner Should Return to Regular Order
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
The Party of No Return
Friday, October 26, 2012
Closing the Deal
Things Mitt Romney should not forget in the last 10 days:
- The President has ordered more than 20 of Irans oil largest customers to be exempt from trading sanctions including 10 European nations, China and Japan.
- He still has not explained in full detail the events surrounding the murder of our Libyan Ambassador and his security detail.
- He has not stated any revisions on his energy policy regarding the Keystome pipeline.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Romney Hits and Misses
- Why did the President tell the world at the United Nations that the video was responsible for Libya when it was apparent to almost everyone that it wasn’t?
- Why did Obama approve letting 11 of Iran’s major trading partners not apply sanctions for economic reasons, which he claimed is the entire reason for sanctions?
- Mr. Romney also failed to point out that as President, Mr. Obama has never gone to Israel despite his claims of friendship and support, and his criticism of Romney’s trip.
Monday, October 22, 2012
- The expansion of Al Qaeda and its influence in the Arab Spring.
- Fast & Furious as gun control policy.
- Events in Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt.
- Our alliance with Israel
- Iran's nuclear ambition-Is it true, Mr. President, that you recongnize Iran's right to nuclear technology?
- The importance of fossil fuel in America's national security.
- Support for oil exploration in South America and the prevention of exploration here.
- Our influence in the UN and the world at large.
- The importance of trade deals in our favor.
- Reinvigorated support for our traditional allies.
- Ask Obama what he meant when he told the Russians he'd be more flexible after he was re-elected?
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Two Cents for Romney
• When questioned about the 47% Romney should explain that it is the 47% of the electorate that experts predict will vote for Obama. It does not include all those who receive government assistance, but it does include those who game the system and are really not paying their fair share. You cannot say people aren’t gaming the system. I do not know how much of the 47% are, but I bet there are some. When Obama asks for a number say "Your President, what do you think?"
• When questioned about the declining unemployment rate Romney should point out that it is still very high and that Obama promised it would be no higher than 5% if Congress passed the stimulus. He should add that experts say unemployment will not reach pre-recession levels until 2020 if we do not act.
• When questioned about Social Security and ObamaCare, Romney should point out the country wants to re-discuss ObamaCare now that we are finally learning what is in it, and that many of our Social Security and Medicare issues can be dealt with increased growth, which creates more revenue for both programs.
• When Obama brings up GM it should be pointed out despite the bailout, all the original stock and bondholders were wiped out and that after a little more than a year, its new stock has lost more than a third of its value, not to mention the mediocre success of the Volt, whose production is on and off like a water faucet. Romney should also remind voters of the federal stake in GM stock and how much of the loan has not been repaid.
• If Obama says Osama Bin Laden is dead, Romney should say that Al Qaeda is alive and well and demonstrating it for us all the time, most recently in Benghazi. Romney should also hold Obama accountable for the confusion and coverup between the White House, State Dept. and intelligence services.
• When questioned about energy Romney should point out the $90 billion has already been poorly spent on green energy and it is still in the research phase and not an adequate solution at this point. In contrast fossil fuel, produces the cheapest, most efficient energy and is one of the biggest commercial sources of tax income to government at all levels. The Keystone pipeline, fracking, drilling and refining are vital to our energy security and means millions of new jobs in the energy sector. Romney should point out that Obama's failure to approve Keystone and his failure to reign in the power of the EPA on oil leases and fracking on government property is hurting the nation. Energy security and self-reliance are attainable and laudable goals for our nation.
Good Luck, Mitt.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Bulletin: There will be no tax cuts
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Presidential Debates Need Moderator Balance
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Why Lose When You Can Win
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Why Infrastructure Spending Doesn’t Create Jobs
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Obama's EO on Immigration
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Why the Donkey is a Jackass
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Lipstick on a Pig
Debbie Wasserman-Shultz proved she’s nothing more than a dumb blonde when she dodged Greta Van Susteren’s questions about the Democrat portion of the 2013 budget. DWS’s appearance on Greta’s show was intended to be a diatribe on the dangers to America of Paul Ryan’s (R-Wis) Budget Plan, but Greta kept asking why the Democrats had not put forth a budget that could result in a conference between the House and Senate, which is the way budgets are normally produced. For the record: Obama’s 2013 budget was defeated in the House 414-0. Not a single Democrat voted for it. DWS did not address the House defeat of Obama's budget as it never came up as a question from the normally astute Greta. Senate Majority leader Harry Reid has already gone on record saying he does think the Democrats have to offer a budget until after the election. Instead DWS kept going back to the Democrat talking points on how dangerous the Ryan budget was to the future of
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Obama's Catch-22 Moment
Obama faces some real "catch-22" moments: In order for him to be re-elected he must reject the very policies that made it possible for him to win the Presidency in the first place. A variation of you have to be in the union to get a job, but you can't join the union until you have one. Obama campaigned mightily against fossil fuel, and now after warring against it for three years his only pathway to cheaper energy is by supporting fossil fuel exploration and production. If energy prices continue to rise Obama cannot win. The President also campaigned heavily on the deficit, saying he would cut it in half in his first term. In fact, he has quadrupled the annual deficit in his first four years in office and has increased the national debt by almost $6 trillion. He has, some say, used a lot of this money as an "election" slush fund that has found its way into Obama's re-election campaign through vehicles such as green energy grant funding to companies managed by Obama election fund raisers. These are just two examples of the many reasons Obama will lose in November and that is perhaps his biggest Catch-22; As President a man can do many things, but to be President you have to win the election.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Is the Voting System Broken?
Is the Voting System Broken?
Knowing what we now know about chads, dimples, undervotes, overvotes, absentee ballots and voting machines, will we ever be able to trust the result of any future election?
Any watchful person following this story now knows that millions of votes go uncounted in every election. Millions more votes are disqualified. It happens in every voting precinct and in every election throughout the United States in every race.
If Vice President Al Gore and his supporters are right, then why should any American believe the results of any election? Will all future American elections be decided by lawyers when the races are close?
What has made American elections work since the founding of the country is the belief that the people who manage them are for the most part honest, hard-working and fair. Yes, there is the occasional scandal, but overall the results have been trustworthy-or have they?
And isn't that really the question we must now ask ourselves? Because if our elections are a fraud, then the voting franchise is also a fraud. Without the freedom to vote and have it counted honestly with the same rules for everybody, there is no franchise and without it there can be no America-at least not in the way the founders envisioned it