Debbie Wasserman-Shultz proved she’s nothing more than a dumb blonde when she dodged Greta Van Susteren’s questions about the Democrat portion of the 2013 budget. DWS’s appearance on Greta’s show was intended to be a diatribe on the dangers to America of Paul Ryan’s (R-Wis) Budget Plan, but Greta kept asking why the Democrats had not put forth a budget that could result in a conference between the House and Senate, which is the way budgets are normally produced. For the record: Obama’s 2013 budget was defeated in the House 414-0. Not a single Democrat voted for it. DWS did not address the House defeat of Obama's budget as it never came up as a question from the normally astute Greta. Senate Majority leader Harry Reid has already gone on record saying he does think the Democrats have to offer a budget until after the election. Instead DWS kept going back to the Democrat talking points on how dangerous the Ryan budget was to the future of