Thursday, January 19, 2012
MLK Day: A Field Day for Racists
Martin Luther King's birthday was been a field day for liberal racists like AG Eric Holder and NAACP President Ben Jealous. They both spent the MLK hoiliday fighting voter id laws instead of fighting voter fraud. After choosing not to follow through on the prosecution of two black man intimidating voters in front of a polling place claiming they were "his people," Holder spoke at a rally protesting new voter ID laws. NAACP President Ben Jealous claimed that the only reason states wanted voter ID laws was to create a new version of the Jim Crow "Poll Tax." He falsely claimed there have only been 352 cases of voter fraud over the last 30 years and completely ignored the 13 states that conducted voter faruad investigationsagainst ACORN in 2008, as well as the people charged with fraud and found guilty because of those investigations. Racism does live, but we need a new appraisal of who practices it and where it lives.