Oct 24, 2021
After listening to Neil Cavuto shill for the NIH and the criminal Dr. Anthony Fauci I can no longer remain silent on the Covid Vaccination issue. First the Covid vaccine and its booster shots are not really a vaccine, they are merely a prophylactic if we are lucky, as vaccinated individuals are being re-infected. A vaccine like the ones that eradicated small pox or cured polio cured them. The Covid vaccine does not. So lets us start by being clear. My personal view is that as a compromised individual due to age and previous surgeries I am fully vaccinated. However Covid is more than a virus and it is time to call it what it is. It is germ warfare, which is technically illegal but the United Nations and the so-called World Court at the Hague have been silent. The NIH, with the technical and financial assistance of the criminal Dr. Anthony Fauci spent several years in Wuhan, China, doing what he dared not do in the United States. Create a germ in the form of a virus designed to kill. There is little doubt that his double-speak and backtracking in the name of science has been little more than a coverup for his complicity in the murder of millions. It is notable that in his 40 years of service at the NIH he has never developed a cure for any disease he studied. His only really success was the unleashing of Covid and who knows what other germs he funded with taxpayer funds. Like so many people in our government Fauci will not be called to account for his actions so he will go to hell with the deaths of millions on his soul. We know the truth it is time to act.