Monday, April 24, 2017
Marching For Science?
On April 22 there were more than 100 organized events at colleges, universities and Democrat-run cities around the country under the misnomer "Marching for Science." The only trouble was they weren't championing the scientific method, they were supporting scientific indoctrination. They were in support of science they believe and dismissive of science they don't. For example, despite the lack of knowledge concerning the climate change debate most of these marchers believe in it as a destructive concept which we must prevent. On the other hand despite the overwhelming proof that once a human egg is fertilized by human sperm it has 46 chromosomes and is distinctly human, most of these marchers believe abortion is not murder, just a hard choice. Now we come to indoctrination: From birth Humans are the most malleable species. Humans can be trained and indoctrinated to almost any purpose. A human from birth can learn any language or any set of customs. They can be trained to be kind or cruel, gulible or skeptical, honest or dishonest, religious or atheist. They can be taught to believe a given set of facts and without access to contrary information will never disbelieve those facts. For example, TV host Bill Maher said last week that the US was killing people more slowly with CO2 than Assad was killing Syrians with Sarin gas. Apparently he forgot his 7th grade biology where we learned that CO2 and Oxygen share a symbiotic relationship without which there would be no life on Earth. This one little proven, undisputed fact that we learned in the 7th grade puts the lie to the March for Science. If you follow the money it's not about climate change at all. It is about the research funding, which is in the hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars, that goes to universities and professional researchers who have a lot to lose if the Congress starts talking a close look at how research money is spent. It's your money.