Monday, November 18, 2013
ObamaCare: The Road to Single-Payer
Those that think the Republicans have never offered an alternative to ObamaCare are wrong. The simple truth is Democrats don't want reform. What they want is "Single-Payer." They want government run healthcare to control people's lifestyles and medical choices. They want to eliminate insurance companies from the equation and impose a healthcare tax on every working person and subsidize the cost for those they deem "can't afford it." What is occurring now is the intermediate step toward single payer; make policy management so impossible that it becomes a losing proposition for insurance companies, hospitals and doctors and they get out of the business. Both are happening right now.If you think this is a paranoid view consider the following: Before ObamaCare was passed 85% of people with healthcare insurance were satisfied with the policies. It wasn't perfect, but 85% is not bad. There were said to be 40 million people uninsured. Some who did not want insurance and some who did not have it because they were too poor or ineligible. Rather than legislate reforms to provide wider coverage and lower prices, which could have been easily done, the Democrats decided to go after the whole enchilada. To accomplish this they have to destroy the current system. The Democrats have told what they think you deserve: MedicAid, also known as healthcare for the poor, except for the ruling class of course. Be careful what you wish for.