have never yet seen true conservative individuals or groups pretend to be
liberal and try get their political opponents to vote them by trickery, but
over the past decade I have seen liberal individuals and groups do it many
times. For example a few years ago in New Jersey some liberals’ candidates
offered themselves to the electorate as "Tea Party" candidates to
dilute the conservative electorate and engineer Democrat wins. The new
"Americans for a Conservative Direction" immigration group is a new
twist on an old strategy; It is just a blatant spit in your eye advertising
campaign by Obama and the Democrats, fronted by FaceBook CEO and Obama pal Mark
Zuckerberg to portray supporters of Amnesty as in favor of conservative
positions on immigration. I went to the site to have a look for myself:
www.americansforaconservativedirection.com. It looks okay. Has a few well
thought out paragraphs that repeat the common goals; pay a fine, learn English,
join the back of the line, etc. It includes a background check, no benefits,
E-verify, all the buzz phrases to make conservative swoon. The only problem is
many of these things will not be in the final bill or the immigration situation
would be worse. Leaving illegal aliens to care for themselves for 13 years
without assistance would leave our cities in chaos. Taking note that only half
of the three million illegal residents eligible for amnesty in 1986 joined the
program, what do we do with those who do not sign up this time? If we do not
deport them you could say that is "de facto amnesty." This ad in now
running on television and the conservative talk radio circuit, but it is an ad
developed by and for liberal supporters of the Democrat Immigration Reform bill
now in the Senate, but pretending to be a conservative voice. I am not the
first to discover this, but I can't resist pointing it out.