Thursday, May 5, 2011
The Greatest of Them All
The death and disappearance of Osama bin Laden will grow into the largest conspiracy in the 21st century. In 2067 it will still be under discussion: "Hey, have you heard that they may have discovered bin Laden's shroud at the bottom of the Arabian Sea." Are we to believe that there is no film of him being carried off the Helicopter on the USS Carl Vinson. Some Admiral just said clean him, wrap him, and get him over the side. Not one seaman, officer, or civilian on board took any pictures, movies, nothing? What about the guy who prayed over him? Who is he? They just say; "We killed him, he's gone. That's it." Give me a break: If this doesn't say conspiracy, nothing does. If this doesn't say something funny is going on, nothing does. If the conflicting accounts don't confuse you, what does? Obama's strategy will make Osama bin Laden a martyr in half the time a great conspiracy theory could.