Wednesday, December 29, 2010
America Must Have Energy Reform
It is time for a drastic change in America’s energy policy. For too long we have penalized the most cost efficient forms of energy while subsidizing the more expensive, least efficient forms. Whether the reasons are scientific or political the outcome of the policy is bad for our economy and our standard of living. The most efficient forms of energy (fossil and nuclear) have yet to find equals in the emerging solar and battery powered alternatives. To help grow our economy and create jobs. To create the wealth we need to lift ourselves and our neighbors out of poverty we must have a moratorium on government spending for alternative energy sources. We must end the subsidies for ethanol, wind power, solar energy and battery technology. This alone would equal the $100B the Republicans would like to cut in the upcoming budget. The government must issue permits for oil and gas exploration off all U.S. coasts and government property. It must end all moratoriums on oil, gas, coal, oil shale and nuclear energy. It must establish one nation-wide gasoline standard and it must reduce the federal tax on gasoline. The government must do for fossil fuel what it has been doing for alternative fuels. A reformed energy policy that focuses on efficiency instead of philosophy can help America’s economy recover.