"George - You have been given a great gift. A chance to see what the world would be like if you had never been born." - Clarence to George Bailey in It's a Wonderful Life.
From 2006 until now incoming Budget Chairman Paul Ryan has similarly been given a great gift; a chance to see what the Federal budget could be like without conservative stewardship. During the Bush years the Republicans drifted away from the budget principles they had begun in 1994. They became the fat cats and let it get away in 2006 when they lost the Congress and then the Presidency. Since then Democrats have added $3.5 trillion to the national debt with the exception of TARP, which they can still blame 0n Bush. Many department budgets have doubled since 2008, not to mention the new spending items in the 2009 budget and 2010 budgets. The voters have given the Republicans a huge victory and opportunity to put the country on the right track. They must reduce taxes and reduce spending. Then they must begin to peel back regulation so entrepreneurs can create jobs and put Americans back to work.