Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Out of Sight, but Not Unnoticed
Far from the glitz and glitter of $200 million dollar election campaigns like Fiorina versus Boxer or Whitman versus Brown, is the mostly unnoticed contest in New York’s Second Congressional district. Democratic incumbent Steven Israel and entrepreneur John Gomez are locked in a heated battle for a Congressional district that has both conservative and liberals voters. It gets little play from the local and regional media, almost as though it was being avoided by a liberal press that hopes lack of exposure will kill Gomez’s candidacy. However, Gomez supporters are mobilized and doing all the right things to pull him over the top to a win on Election Day. You can attend a John Gomez fundraiser on October 26, at Madison’s Steak House in Hauppague, NY. It’s $75 a person and you can RSVP to Kathy Brand, (631-695-5151.)