Sunday, June 6, 2010
Cordoba's D-Day
What is the phobia among some Muslims that makes them think that Americans think all Muslims are evil or our enemy or whatever it is they go on and on about. Most Americans do not think that all Muslims are our enemies: only the ones that have tried or succeeded to kills us. What about Muslims that call America the Great Satan or beheaded Nick Berg on the internet; are they the enemy? What about those who burned the bodies of contract workers in Iraq and hung them from a bridge. What about the Muslims that flew planes into the Pentagon, the World Trade Center and were thwarted by brave Americans over the skies of Pennsylvania? How about Major Hasan? And what about the ones who seem to be planning violence or murder over and over again? At the June 6th Mosque protest in downtown Manhattan Daisy Khan of the American Society for Muslim Advancement told CNN "There is a lot of ignorance about who Muslims are." She called Cordoba a "community center with a prayer space in it." She called it an opportunity for Muslims living in New York to "give back" to the community. Many Muslims view Cordoba as victory over non-Muslims. Plots, plans and conspirators are caught almost every week planning against American people and American cities. Yes Daisy, we may be ignorant about "all" Muslims, but we are not stupid. We know when the proverbial thumb is being thrust in our eye. We recognize when someone wants to put salt on our wounds. We recognize when someone wants to defile our dead and spit in our face. Cordoba is nothing short of all of these things and attempting to gloss over it by saying it is Americans who are ignorant about Muslims only proves that Muslims like you really think we are stupid.