Sunday, February 1, 2009
Why Doesn't Obama Talk About Us?
President Obama’s recent declaration that he has family members who are Muslim and his declaration that he has lived in Muslim countries are things he never said while campaigning. His declaration that America is a "Christian nation" and a "Muslim Nation," did not go unnoticed and will not fade from the minds of fair Americans. When he made this statement he did not say Judeo-Christian, as is commonly the case. His claim that his job is to tell Americans about all the fantastic Muslims in the world says a lot about his point of view. I would have thought the job of the President of the United States would be to tell Muslim nations about all the fantastic Americans in the world. Tell Muslims about our widespread efforts worldwide to help feed and care for the poor. About our efforts to bring modern medicine and technology to the world's more unfortunate populations and to export freedom and democracy to other countries because people fair better under freedom and America is the shining example. We are not a country without faults, but they are far fewer than most of the fantastic Muslims and Muslim countries Obama wants to tell us about, the majority of which are feudal dictatorships run by single families. The President’s characterization of America as a county with a lot to learn about the Muslim way is curious. Unlike American Christians and Jews in Muslim countries, Muslims in America are completely free to practice their religion in peace and in the open. Unlike American Christians and Jews in Muslim nations, Muslims in America can depend on equal protection under the law. In America Muslims can criticize the government without fear of reprisal, a right not granted in most Muslim nations to Muslims, much less Christians and Jews. So before Obama spends too much time informing Americans about the fantastic Muslims in the world perhaps he should spend some time informing the Muslims world about America.