Thursday, September 30, 2010
Bring in the Adults
The modern Democrats have taught American voters in four years what the Republicans and Conservatives couldn't teach them in fifty years. A government out of control serves the purpose of no one. Not those who govern or those who are governed. It is not the privilege of government to penalize its citizens. Conservatives, who tend to be Republican, are likely to get a chance to once again try and lead the nation out of the current morass. Without going over old ground most experts seem to agree the recession started in the middle of 2007. Coincidentally, that is five months into the new Democratically-led Congress under Pelosi and Reid, whose first serious legislative victory was the institution of the now legendary “Mark to Market Rule,” which led to the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the mortgage meltdown. At this time U.S. unemployment was 4.6-percent. By the middle of 2008 it had gone to 5.8-percent. One year later the unemployment rate was 9.5-percent and that’s where it is today. Three Trillion dollars in spending has not put a dent in it. The Congress has left town with no budget in place and the smart money says those waiting for the extension of the Bush Tax cuts are living in a dream world. The Democrats have wanted to repeal the cuts for years, but have had to wait for their expiration. It should be noted that the Democrats insisted on a sunset provision before passing the tax cuts in the first place. The Republicans in contrast have fought to make them permanent, but were stymied by a filibustering Democratic Senate even when the Republicans had the majority in both houses. There are many people who feel the country is in great danger. They will be coming to the polls to vote this year. Americans want their government back. They want to have their voices heard. They want to the government to do what many of them have had to do. They want government officials to act like adults. They want them to be grown-ups. America is not a tinker toy for the amusement of would-be egomaniacs who think people are the fodder for their intellectual escapades. A new Congress will have to face many legislative obstacles to improve the economy and get our financial house in order. Over the next few weeks the new narrative will try to cover these issues. Keep watching.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
It’s Hard to Believe Your Own Ears
The Democrats and the President would have you believe that the Republicans, who have supported the extension of the Bush Tax Cuts since 2006, are now the ones that are stopping them from taking place. House Minority Leader John Boehner surprised everyone by saying he would accept Obama’s offer of a tax cut extension for those who make under $250,000, and then work to make them permanent for all taxpayers in the new session. It undercut the entire Democratic argument of Republican intransigence on the tax cut issue. The Democrats wanted to argue that Republicans were against tax cuts for the middle class because the “rich” weren’t included. Boehner called their bluff and if it wasn’t for Mitch McConnell’s blunder (saying he would filibuster any bill that doesn’t include all taxpayers) the Democrats would be dead in the water on the tax issue. Once again the Republicans shoot themselves in the foot when they are in front. However, on the tax cut issue there is no dispute. Republicans have supported them since they were passed in 2003. The Democrats have refused to make them permanent and until two weeks ago Obama was going to let them expire. The media is cooperating with the White House and the Democratic Congress to help create the illusion that Republicans are against tax cuts for the middle class, while favoring those for the rich. The American people are getting more media savvy everyday. They won’t be fooled this time.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Hello Mrs. Faisel Daisy-Kahn Rauf
It was just a few weeks ago that TheNewNarrative exposed the relationship between Daisy Kahn of the American Society for Muslim Advancement and Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the director of the Ground Zero Mosque: Who is Daisy Kahn, August 15th? Early coverage of the Ground Zero Mosque cited both Rauf and Kahn in the same story and often omitted the fact they were married. Since our "Did you Notice" piece almost every mention of Daisy Kahn on radio and television mentions her relationship with Rauf. It is a true victory for those of us against the building of the Ground Zero Mosque. It makes apparent the fraud the Rauf's and their friends (our enemies) are trying to perpetrate. For this and many other reasons the Ground Zero Mosque will never be built. As has been said; We are fair, we are not foolish.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Why Infrastructure Spending Is No Stimulus
The President's Labor Day announcement of infrastructure spending will not provide the kind of spending needed to boost the economy because such projects take years implement. Any infrastructure plan developed on the basis of new spending will not be built for at least a year so any immediate impact is impossible. It will not help create jobs, the money will not be spent until sometime in 2011, and there are already billions in infrastructure spending in the works so any new projects will be years in development. The one sure thing the President could do to help spark the economy in the short-term he refuses to consider; Give working Americans a temporary payroll tax holiday. Let people keep the taxes withheld from their paychecks. It puts extra money in people's hands immediately. It can be implemented in two or three weeks and it will boost consumer consumption, which is the real key to our economic recovery. Consumer spending, not government spending is what is needed. That's would be a real stimulus package.
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