Friday, August 28, 2009
Snake Oil, Bullshit; Same Thing
Within weeks of accusing conservatives of organizing anti-healthcare protests the "progressives" (formerly referred to as Democrats, liberals, communists, and socialists) sent thugs to start trouble (a la Missouri), started stacking healthcare town halls with bussed-in activists to create the impression that there is as much support as there is skepticism. The truth is that when the seniors jumped out to question the policy the Dems took notice. It was plain to see that most of the early healthcare town halls, except those staged by the Obama Traveling Medicine Show were dominated by seniors. Health Care reform is a policy decision that spans generations of Americans and no matter what younger folks like to think, seniors as very wise when it comes to recognizing bullshit. You cannot cut the Medicare program by two-thirds and provide better healthcare for seniors. They already need supplemental plans to cover the expenses not covered by Medicare. Translation: Not only will you be forced to buy insurance, you will also have to buy supplemental polices as well to cover what ever the government decides it doesn't want to provide. The other things that senior's recognize when they see it is snake oil.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Obama To Dissolve the CIA
Eric Holder’s decision to investigate the CIA torture issue combined with the President’s newly created department to coordinate terrorist investigations from the Whitehouse in conjunction with the FBI is the first step toward dissolving the CIA. The prosecution of CIA personnel for torture and the use of the FBI to conduct investigations of foreign agents combine to discourage the CIA to conduct interrogations and gives the FBI authority in the area of foreign operations, heretofore the domain of the CIA. It is not a surprise that the President and his friends would like to incapacitate the CIA. I just find it hard to believe the Congress will let them get away with it. It will take the FBI at least two decades to establish the type of world-wide intelligence network needed to protect our country from foreign enemies. Holder is personally responsible for the pardon for six FLAN terrorists in the last days of the Clinton Presidency. His behavior as Attorney General has been hateful and racist and if I may say so anti-American. He no more loves America than Osama Bin Laden, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan or yes, Barack Obama. The CIA is our best defense against foreign enemies and it is about to be castrated by a President who will be putting us a great risk and giving our enemies a great advantage.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
All Roads Lead to the Government Option
Anyone watching the news lately was treated to two views of the healthcare debate. One was the unvarnished version that took place in meetings with Congressmen and Senators around the country. The others are the dog and pony shows that took place in New Hampshire, Colorado and other states. Things begin early. The Obama Traveling Medicine Show shows up around 7:00AM with charter busses of supporters to make sure there is enough supportive yelling, applause and cheers during the President's healthcare speeches. These supporters also get most of the forms for asking the President a healthcare question. The press goes right along and makes a big deal about the dearth of tough questions from the audience. In true softball fashion a 13-year old girl, whose mother is a long-time Obama supporter and organizer, asked what the people with "mean" signs had against healthcare for everyone. During this speech, which was really more like a lecture and a sales pitch, he said he did not favor a single-payer plan. Anyone who has listened to him knows that is a lie. Like some in the Congress (including Ted Kennedy, Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi and many others) he knows that single-payer does not have the votes in either the House or the Senate to pass. The current healthcare plan "is the best path to get us to single-payer" according to Barney Frank, a long-time supporter of the Canadian system. So despite his current statements to the contrary this is where he and the Democrats want to take us. With the Presidency and strong majorities in the House and Senate this is their best opportunity to do it. Take a minute and ponder this: we already have several examples of government-run healthcare including Medicare and Medicaid, veteran's hospitals and Indian reservations. It is well-known that those with Medicare must have supplemental plans for things not covered and we have all heard the horror stories of veteran's and Indians. Through the years Medicare has covered less and less and supplemental coverage has cost more and more. Medicare has cut the reimbursement rate, which has resulted in many doctors and hospitals no longer accepting Medicare patients unless they carry supplemental policies. The current plan includes additional cuts in Medicare so it will only become worse. None of this is to even mention it has 46 Trillion in unfunded liabilities already. And what is perhaps the most telling of all is that our Congress plans to exclude them selves from the plan they are devising for us. Changing the name of the bill from National Healthcare to Healthcare Reform does not disguise the truth of what the government wants to do. The plan ends with a single-payer government run healthcare system, which history shows will destroy a healthcare system that is the envy of the world. Keep talking America. Let your Representative and Senators know how you feel. Congress will be returning to work in the next week or so. Keep those cards, letters and phone calls coming.
We Really Are Not One
Last week while researching I can across an interesting comment on an article about the Muslim population in the United States. It was not the number of Muslims, which may or may not be exaggerated or underestimated. It was the way that the Muslim commenter responded to a reader who could not understand the suicidal impulse of Muslim extremists, who claim jihad and the extermination of non-Muslims is the way of the Koran. The reader expressed the sentiment "when in Rome, do as the Romans do." She (the commenter) said "those people who strap on bombs in the name of Allah to me are not Muslims. So in the face of the fact of Muslim suicide bombers she claims they are not Muslims and declares that "Allah clearly tells us that suicide is forbidden." She goes on to claim that the portrayal of Muslims in the media is the problem, as if Muslim suicide bombers throughout world were being misidentified in some sort of conspiracy. She says that "if it wasn't for me explaining my beliefs to them, they would believe what they saw on TV and read in the papers and magazines." She then says that if you ask Muslims about Islam you will "not hear anything remotely close to what you hear on the news. She like many Muslims throughout the world has her head in the sand. The simple fact is that whether she likes it or not there are over a million extremist Muslims throughout the world who consider themselves Muslim and are intent on killing all non-believers. All non-Muslim believers are threatened by such people and that is true whether she and others like her believe such terrorists are not Muslim.
Monday, August 17, 2009
How Much Do Democrats Want Single-Payer?
If today's news is any indicator they want it a lot. So much that they are willing to vote against any reform that does not include a "public option." In a CNN interview the US Represntative Anthony Weiner (D-NY) said " he and many others in the House will not support a healthcare plan without the public option. He believes in a single-payer system. On the Sean Hanitty show long-time Democratic strategist Bob Beckel said "we have been trying to pass healthcare for 50 years." However, do not believe they have abandoned it. They will try to sneak it through in some form.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
It's a Good Thing Obama Care was Stopped
Supporters of Obama's healthcare plan keep pointing out that objectionable measures (like end-of-life counseling) will now be removed from the plan. The point is that if it had been passed before the recess they would still be in there. The question is why was it there in the first place, which by itself is enough of a reason to keep the government out of it. Keep calling your representatives.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Watch Us on Twitter
All Roads Lead to Single Payer tells why you should contact your congressman and senators. I want to leave it near the top for a while so it can be read. In the meantime follow our research on twitter at thenewnarrative.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
All Roads Lead to Single-Payer
Anyone watching the news today was treated to two views of the healthcare debate. One was the unvarnished version that took place in meetings with Congressmen and Senators around the country. The other was the dog and pony show that took place in a Portsmouth, NH high school gymnasium. Things began early in Portsmouth. The Obama Traveling Medicine Show showed up around 7:00AM with six charter busses of supporters to make sure there was enough supportive yelling, applause and cheers during the President's speech. These supporters were also given most of the forms for asking the President a healthcare question. The press made a big deal about the President's inability to select tough questions from the audience. The President also made a remark about the questions saying he wanted tough ones. Right after that a 13-year old girl asked what the people with "mean" signs had against healthcare for everyone. During his speech, which was really more like a lecture and a sales pitch, he said he did not favor a single-payer plan. Anyone who has listened to him know that is a lie. Like some in the Congress (including Ted Kennedy, Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi and many others) he knows that single-payer does not have the votes in either the House or the Senate to pass. The current healthcare plan "is the best path to get us to single-payer" according to Barney Frank, a long-time supporter of the Canadian system. So despite his current statements to the contrary this is where he and the Democrats want to take us. With the Presidency and strong majorities in the House and Senate this is their best opportunity to do it. Take a minute and ponder this: we already have several examples of government-run healthcare including Medicare and Medicaid, veteran's hospitals and Indian reservations. It is well-known that those with Medicare must have supplemental plans for things not covered and we have all heard the horror stories of veteran's and Indians. Through the years Medicare has covered less and less and supplemental coverage has cost more and more. Medicare has cut the reimbursement rate, which has resulted in many doctors and hospitals no longer accepting Medicare patients unless they carry supplemental policies. The current plan includes additional cuts in Medicare so it will only become worse. And what is perhaps the most telling of all is that our Congress plans to exclude them selves from the plan they are devising for you. Changing the name of the bill from National Healthcare to Healthcare Reform does not disguise the truth of what the government wants to do. The plan ends with a single-payer government run healthcare system, which history shows will destroy a healthcare system that is the envy of the world. Keep talking America. Let your Representative and Senators know how you feel. Call, write, and attend their town halls if they still have the nerve to have them.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Follow us on Twitter
If you check our twitter site (thenewnarrative)you will see that we have been talking about the democratic insurgency to picture all those opposed to healthcare as un-American, Nazi-like and a mob. If you read our previous post you see that health-care supporters including the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and ACORN have been sending agitators to harass and assault conservative opponents of healthcare. Both the name-calling and infiltration of town-hall meetings are part of the Democratic strategy to quiet critics of the still unfinished healthcare bill. Imagine; they want to quiet critics of a bill that has not even been finished. What is worse is that they don't even want to know what we think is wrong with it. That is what the town hall meetings were supposed to be about. Apparently they will be shut down and the Dems will use their name-calling as a justification. If you take part in any these town halls be on the lookout for these thugs. This type of event orchestration is something we have been writing about since last year. Then we referred to it as Obama's Traveling Medicine Show. Now it is just an arm of the Democratic Party. In the same manner in which paid supporters crowd around media locations and envelope them with applause at every speech to create the impression there is enthusiastic support for the President, they are now doing the same thing at town hall meetings in an attempt to portray concerned Americans as a mob and un-patriotic. Don't be fooled!
Friday, August 7, 2009
The Chicago Way
Congressmen have been getting an earful from their constituents for a few weeks now and for the most part it has been a one-sided picture. There have been young professionals that see their futures at risk. Middle aged folks who see their parents and themselves at risk. And, seniors who have seen Solyent Green and Logan's Run. All seeking answers about things that people say are in the health reform bill. The bill is so huge that Congressman had to be briefed on how to respond to questions. Except for some yelling it has been robust but peaceful. Enter the President's hand-maiden's SEIU and ACORN. SEIU contributed more than 65 million to his campaign and expects to be paid back. ACORN’s voting fraud activities, which are now under investigation, were instrumental in winning several states in the primaries and the general election. In St. Louis you have violence and thuggery by SEUI and ACORN designed to portray these events are rowdy, disrespectful and without merit. The President's two hand-maidens have decided to take physical action. That is their job. The President cannot win the healthcare debate with the facts so "get out of the way," as he said in Virginia. Until SEUI and ACORN entered the picture it was just yelling. Now it’s assault. A young black man was hospitalized in St. Louis. The St. Louis event marks the first time that “supporters” in the form of thugs wearing SEIU and ACORN t-shirts showed up. It was a throwback to the old union days when instigators would start fights to break up protests or beat up opponents. It’s the Chicago way and one that Obama is familiar with. Our representatives must read this bill. You must tell them to do it.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Thoughts for Today
If Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi thinks the insurance companies are the villians in the healthcare debate why does she want to force 30 million Americans to buy health insurance from these same companies?
For several months I have written about the orchestration of Obama events and now we learn that David Axlerod is an expert in creating such situations. He has a major interst in a firm and was the brains behind a technique called "Astro-Turfing," which is the creation of grass-roots type movements to sell a point of view. He did it for a living before joining Obama. He's doing it now.
Richard Wolff of NBC News thinks that conservatives that show up at Town Halls are all paid protestors, like the type historically hired by Al Sharpton, Green Peace and ACORN for protests. The truth is that as more Americans learn the content of the Healthcare legislation the more they object to it.
Finally, the Whitehouse is now asking Healthcare bill supporters to report those who do not support the bill by reporting them to What happens then?
For several months I have written about the orchestration of Obama events and now we learn that David Axlerod is an expert in creating such situations. He has a major interst in a firm and was the brains behind a technique called "Astro-Turfing," which is the creation of grass-roots type movements to sell a point of view. He did it for a living before joining Obama. He's doing it now.
Richard Wolff of NBC News thinks that conservatives that show up at Town Halls are all paid protestors, like the type historically hired by Al Sharpton, Green Peace and ACORN for protests. The truth is that as more Americans learn the content of the Healthcare legislation the more they object to it.
Finally, the Whitehouse is now asking Healthcare bill supporters to report those who do not support the bill by reporting them to What happens then?
Saturday, August 1, 2009
What Liberals Want in Healthcare
There is a lot of smoke and mirrors in the Healthcare Reform bills emerging from Congress, but they all have one thing in common: America's liberal and progressive thinkers want to move the country to a Single-Payer system, where the government is the sole provider of healthcare financing. This is the same system that is used throughout Europe and Canada and drives their patients to the United States for care they cannot get in their own country. Why can’t the Congress say so, author the bill and get it passed? They have the Presidency, the Senate and The House. They don't need a single Republican vote. Just ask Barney Frank, a longtime champion of single-payer and he'll tell you the votes to pass it aren't there. The Democrats have been trying to get to single payer for over forty years and despite their incremental advancements they have failed to convince enough Americans to get it passed. If your Representative or Senator is a liberal Democrat and you ask them about single-payer they will tell you that is the ultimate goal of healthcare reform because they is the most efficient and fair way to provide healthcare for all. If you ask if they will be subject to the same plan they will say yes, but the truth is that in the current bills under discussion they are exempt from the plan they are devising for you. There are many ways we can reform healthcare, make it more competitive and make it cheaper to own and carry, but moving toward single-payer and government control is not one of them. One only has to look at the mess in Medicare. As reimbursements shrink so does the number of doctors and hospitals that accept Medicare patients. The failure of oversight in Medicare is monumental. It is overpriced, corrupt and operates poorly like other government enterprises including the Post Office, Amtrak and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. With the proper reforms all federal and state operated healthcare agencies could be better operated by the private sector.
Upcoming Topics
This week's topics include:
1)The three hikers who stupidly went on a hiking trip on the border of Iran and Iraq: Hello........
2) Nancy's Pelosi's assertion that insurance firms are making obscene profits in healthcare on the one hand, but wants to provide them with 50 million new customers on the other: What was that?
3) Real healthcare reform is getting the government out of the health insurance market.
1)The three hikers who stupidly went on a hiking trip on the border of Iran and Iraq: Hello........
2) Nancy's Pelosi's assertion that insurance firms are making obscene profits in healthcare on the one hand, but wants to provide them with 50 million new customers on the other: What was that?
3) Real healthcare reform is getting the government out of the health insurance market.
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